Classify ICD10 Codes to Cancer Categories.
Classify ICD10 codes into Cancer Categories according to the specified category type and language.
- x
The ICD10 codes of cancer part (C00-C98 and D00-D48) collected by the Population-Based Cancer Registration (PBCR).
- cancer_type
A character string specifying the classification method used to categorize ICD-10 codes. This determines how ICD-10 codes are classified. Options include
(classify ICD-10 codes into 26 cancer categories),"small"
(classify ICD-10 codes into 59 cancer categories, more specific categories),"system"
(classify ICD-10 codes into organ system), and"gco"
(classify ICD-10 code into cancer categories same as classification published by the Global Cancer Observatory). This parameter is only available when the input data is a vector of ICD-10 codes, or object with class of'canreg'
.- as_factor
logical indicate that the output value as factor.
icd10 <- c("C15.2", "C33.4", "C80.9", "C26.2", "C16.3")
classify_icd10(icd10, cancer_type = "big")
#> [1] 103 110 126 126 104