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Classify the Childhood cancer into ICCC3


classify_childhood(topo, morp, type = "main", lang = "cn")



Topography parts of ICDO3 codes in the format of 'C15.6' or 'C156'.


Morphology parts of ICDO3 codes in the format of '8000' or 'M8140'.


Type of Classification for the output, options are 'main' or 'sub', default is 'main'.


Language of the output, options are 'cn' or 'en', default is 'cn'.


Factor of ICCC3 classification for childhood cancer.


This function classify the 'topo' and 'morp' parts of ICDO3 codes into ICCC3 (International Classification of Childhood Cancer, Third edition).


file <- system.file("extdata", "411721.xls", package = "canregtools")
data <- read_canreg(file)
#> 2200  cases were read from FB sheet.1470  cases were read from SW sheet.
fbcases <- data$FBcases
fbcases <- fbcases[fbcases$age <= 14,]
classify_childhood(fbcases$topo, fbcases$morp, lang = "cn")
#> [1] XII. 其他和未特指          未分类或原位癌;           
#> [3] V. 视网膜母细胞瘤          XI. 其他恶性上皮和黑色素瘤
#> [5] XII. 其他和未特指          II. 淋巴瘤                
#> 13 Levels: I. 白血病 II. 淋巴瘤 III. 中枢神经系统 ... 未分类或原位癌;
classify_childhood(fbcases$topo, fbcases$morp, lang = "en")
#> [1] XII. Other & unspecified         Not Classified or in situ       
#> [3] V. Retinoblastoma                XI. Other epithelial & melanomas
#> [5] XII. Other & unspecified         II. Lymphomas & ralated         
#> 13 Levels: I. Leukemias, MPD, & MDS II. Lymphomas & ralated ... Not Classified or in situ
classify_childhood(fbcases$topo, fbcases$morp, type = "sub", lang = "cn")
#> [1] XIIb. 其他未指定的恶性肿瘤              
#> [2] 不被ICCC分类或原位癌                    
#> [3] V. 视网膜母细胞瘤                       
#> [4] XIb. 甲状腺癌                           
#> [5] XIIb. 其他未指定的恶性肿瘤              
#> [6] IIb. 非霍奇金淋巴瘤(除外Burkitt淋巴瘤)
#> 49 Levels: Ia. 淋巴白血病 Ib. 急性髓系白血病 ... 不被ICCC分类或原位癌
classify_childhood(fbcases$topo, fbcases$morp, type = "sub", lang = "en")
#> [1] XIIb. Other unspecified malignant tumors
#> [2] Not Classified by ICCC or in situ       
#> [3] V. Retinoblastoma                       
#> [4] XIb. thyroid carcinomas                 
#> [5] XIIb. Other unspecified malignant tumors
#> [6] IIb. Non-Hodgkin except BL              
#> 49 Levels: Ia. Lymphod leukemias Ib. Acute myeloid Ic. CMD ... Not Classified by ICCC or in situ