Calculate the age standardized rate using the direct method.
Calculate the age standardized rate using the direct method.
rate = NULL,
stdpop = NULL,
method = "gamma",
conf_level = 0.95,
mp = 1e+05
- count
The number of cases of a specific disease or condition.
- pop
The total population of the same group or region where the disease cases (count) were observed.
- rate
Disease rate, which is the number of cases (count) per unit of population (pop).
- stdpop
Standardized population for age standardization.
- method
Method used for calculating the age-standardized rate, options are 'gamma', 'normal', or 'lognormal', default is 'gamma'.
- conf_level
Confidence level for calculating confidence intervals, value between 0 and 1, default is 0.95.
- mp
A multiplier used to scale the calculated rates. Default is 100000.
cases <- c(50, 60, 45, 70)
pop <- c(1000, 1200, 1100, 900)
spop <- c(800, 1000, 1100, 900)
ageadjust(cases, pop, stdpop = spop, mp = 100000)
#> $cases
#> [1] 225
#> $cr
#> [1] 5357.143
#> $cr_var
#> [1] 1.27551e-05
#> $cr_lci
#> [1] 4679.972
#> $cr_uci
#> [1] 6104.765
#> $asr
#> [1] 5394.737
#> $asr_var
#> [1] 1.306556e-05
#> $asr_lci
#> [1] 4709.493
#> $asr_uci
#> [1] 6154.046